Yeah, we've heard it countless times before: "Oasis are the new Beatles" Of course, we all rubbish these reports, and we all know better.
This statement is filled with praise, for being compared to one of the best bands ever is a compliment
But it can also be negative, claiming Oasis steal from the Beatles, and makes a mockery of both bands. Oasis are Oasis. Individuality is important.
But, if examined further, the claim of Oasis being the new Beatles isn't too far off:
1.) Oasis's style is simple, like the Beatles
2.) Oasis have many good tunes with either simple lyrics, or nonsensical lyrics (Whatever/Magic Pie vs. Here Comes The Sun/Obladi, Oblada)
3.) Both wrote amazing songs with amazing lyrics (Live Forever vs. Hey Jude)
4.) Both wrote ballads
5.) Liam (tries) to sound like Lennon
6.) Double Act relationships: Noel/Liam vs. Paul/John
7.) Both bands influenced music greatly in their respective generations
8.) Both bands influenced society (Oasis less so, and for less time, but they still did esp in the mid 90s)
Ok, Oasis arn't an exact copy of the Beatles. But the Beatles will never happen again. Just like Oasis wont happen again 40 years from now. Times are too different.
And yes, Oasis ARE greatly different than the Beatles. Oasis are more harder rock. But again, thats due to the change in times.
But, both bands are similar, as outlined above.
Conclusion: Oasis are NOT the new Beatles. Rather, they are our generation's version of the Beatles.
Thoughts? Am i just talking shit again? lol