Post by webm@ster on Jun 1, 2003 15:33:39 GMT -5
translation : live4ever.us
Are the followers of "bad boy" rockers Oasis loyal Labour party voters ? British premier minister Tony Blair seemed to believe so for a while and tried to squeeze the fan mailing list out of the band prior to the 1997 elections. He intended to spamm it with party adds. Blair biographer John Harris came across the story. He reports that the politician had invited Noel Gallagher to Downing Street to get the addresses from him. But the Wonderwall-band strictly denied the request.
source : Viva text Germany thanx : Sadsong.net
(Original) Sind die Anhänger der Rüpelrocker Oasis auch brave Labourwähler? Der britische Premierminister Tony Blair schien das eine Weile zu glauben und belämmerte vor den Wahlen 1997 die Band, ihre Fanmailingliste rauszurücken. Die wollte er mit Parteiwerbung spammen. Der Blair-Biograf John Harris deckte die Story nun auf. Er berichtet, der Politiker habe Noel Gallagher in die Downing Street eingeladen, um ihm die Adressen aus den Rippen zu leiern. Doch die Wonderwall-Band lehnte strikt ab.
Post by chocolate st*rfish on Jun 1, 2003 18:08:48 GMT -5
and now comes the more or less ironical part of the story: it was actually me who read that (on viva text) and posted it on sadsong.net. EDIT: good translation, webman. i'm impressed... again
Post by mape on Jun 1, 2003 19:45:43 GMT -5
lol. what a coincedence.
i don't think noel would do anything to support a political party.